A Free Seminar to improve your financial condition!

Do you feel stuck ? No matter what you do and how hard you work, you are not able to attain financial freedom?

(Course Created by T.Harv Eker)

    In this 2-hour Seminar you will discover :

    Millionaire Mind Experience will teach you the money rules that the rich and successful people use to accelerate their wealth.

    At the event you will identify your unconscious conditioning about money.

    MME will help you master the world’s easiest and most effective money management system.

    • SECRET #1:

      "The #1 thing to shift now to attract more of what you want – and less of what you don’t want and master the world’s easiest and most effective money management system."
    • SECRET #2:

      "The hands-down most important skill for manifesting. You will learn the connection between your inner world and your outer world and how changing your thoughts will change your outside results (in a scientific way)"
    • SECRET #3:

      "How to Create financial freedom by calculating your freedom number and then create a plan to start achieving it. "

    Participants Speak About MILLIONAIRE MIND EXPERIENCE

    Chinha Raheja (Image Consultant)

    At MMI, you'll learn the world's simplest, easiest and most effective money management method. This is so powerful that it can help transform your financial situation starting from today. It's especially useful for people who always have a struggle to manage their money.

    Dr Meghana Dikshit ( Success Coach )

    Now I understand clearly- despite all the effort that I have put in all these years, I have never been able to become wealthy. It is about my belief system about money and my relationship with it. Such an eye opener.

    Nagaraj Kuchangi ( Business Owner )

    My greatest take away was "relationship" with money counts. It all depends on the thoughts, feelings and emotions you have toward money that result in the actions you take to make or spend money. This will eventually affect your overall long-term wealth.

    M.V Priyank (Healer | Trainer | Abundance & Wellness Coach)

    " This is a 3-hour total immersion to recondition your mind and reset your Financial Thermostat so that your mind is prepared for success and to attract more money to you."


    The more skills you have, the more confident you’ll become AND THAT’S THE BEAUTY OF LEARNING. You’ll have more to talk about when you meet others, and you’ll become more certain of your own abilities and strengths. Own your greatness and live the exciting life that you deserve!


    If you want to transform your own life, ditch the fear and feelings of unworthiness. Connect to your inner drive and determination. Allow yourself to experience the unfamiliar practice of change, success and joy. Reignite your sense of purpose, and rewire your sense of self. You can move quickly or slowly, but as long as you’re going forward toward positive self-transformation, you’re in the right lane.


    Let’s start with the fundamentals; reinventing yourself is different from meliorating yourself. Get rid of preconceived notions- Start with a clean slate, rub everything that you know and think about yourself till now. This is the starting point, even before you know how to go about it you have to have the intention to actually go about it and that is where GROWTH begins.

    You build your Tribe

    One of the most fundamental human needs is the need to belong. A tribe-or a pack, is a group of people who share common interests and values and show genuine appreciation and care for each other. Your tribe members are those people who accept you just as you are, and who want the very best for you.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    MME covers a broad range of ideas for a broad range of people. Everyone from the line worker to the CEO, from a working professional to a home maker will receive valuable information to use for his or her personal development.

    MME is designed to help people understand how their inner world is affecting their outer world. It focuses on changing the belief system around money. The same concept can be applied on all areas of life as it simply works on the theory of you don’t attract what you want but you attract what you are.


    REGISTER TODAY AND REPROGRAM YOUR FINANCIAL THERMOSTAT TO SUCCESS Stop focusing on the obstacles and learn to overcome them.

    What you focus on grows, which means that if you focus on your opportunities and goals you will grow them. It is a natural progression that leads to success in all areas of life.

    Remember! Anyone can create financial freedom if they have the right mindset.